IT & Communication 3 min read

100 Ways To Earn Money Online in a Digital Age

100 Ways To Earn Money Online in a Digital Age
Published on Apr 10, 2020
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Many people see the internet as a passive medium — a place where they can read, watch, and look at all sorts of things. However, if you’re willing to be even a little bit active on the internet, it’s a great place to make money. You can make a few pounds a month, or, if you’re really bound and determined, you can make a full time income, all from your computer, smartphone, or tablet.

What’s more, there aren’t just a handful of ways to make money in today’s digital economy — there are lots of ways! From the small to the large, from the easy to the more involved, here are 100 (yes, 100!) ways to make money in a digital age.


selling on ebay

1. Sell on eBay.

You don’t have to be an expert on all things internet-related to know how eBay works. eBay is an online auction site that has been going strong since 1995, helping people all over the world buy what they want and sell the items they don’t. If you have anything in your home that you don’t want or need, there’s no longer any reason to hold it for the next time you have a garage sale. Just set up an eBay account, list your items for sale, and collect your cash when it sells.

2. Sell books, music, movies, and games on

Have media to sell but don’t have the patience for an online auction? (which is actually owned by eBay) allows you to simply list things like books and other media for sale. You can see what similar items are going for so you know how to price things competitively. You may not always sell what you’re offering, but you’ll certainly get your asking price when your items do sell.


3. Sell your old textbooks on BookScouter.

Are you ever going to crack the spine of that Intro to Psychology book again? Probably not. By selling it on BookScouter, you’ll be given the best price from over 50 independent textbook buyback vendors. You’ll get some money and free up space on your bookshelf.


4. Sell your clothes on ThredUp.

If you’ve got nice and fairly fashionable clothes that you just don’t wear anymore, send them off to ThredUp for some cash. Lower priced items earn you 80% of the selling price upfront, while more expensive items (more than £60) are on a consignment basis.


5. Sell your crafts on Etsy.

Whether you paint, crochet, sculpt, draw, or whatever, you’ll find a marketplace for it on Etsy. If you have a knack for being crafty and creative, this is a great way to make some extra money doing what you love.


6. Sell anything on Craigslist.

No matter what you have to sell, you can list it on Craigslist for free. The advantage of selling this way is that you can put it on a local page and not have to deal with shipping anything.


7. Sell merch on Cafepress.

Using Cafepress’s simple drag and drop interface, you can put your design on shirts, mugs, aprons, coasters, and hundreds of other products. You set the sale price over Cafepress’s base price, and when an item sells, you get all the overage. A basic account for one design is totally free.


8. Sell shirts on TeeSpring.

People have been printing and selling tee shirts for many years as a way to earn some extra income, but with TeeSpring, you have zero overhead. All you have to do is upload your design, set a price and a goal of shirts to sell. When you meet your goal, your customers get their shirts and you get paid. If you don’t, you don’t get paid, but you also don’t have any losses either.


9. Sell merch on Zazzle.

Zazzle works in much the same way as the previous two sites: upload your design, put it on any of their hundreds of products, and wait for customers to buy your merch. You can price your items, and you get to keep all the money over Zazzle’s base price. Or, if you make your own customized items like shirts, mugs, and more, you can sell them on Zazzle as well.


10. Sell your teaching materials on TeachersPayTeachers.

If you work as a teacher, you’ve probably made up dozens of lesson plans, handouts, and other useful teaching materials — things other teachers might find helpful. If you upload those files on TeachersPayTeachers, you can sell them to other educators. It’s a great way to make some extra money on work you’ve already done.


11. Sell your old electronics on Gazelle.

If you’ve recently replaced your laptop, smartphone, iPad, or other electronic device, don’t let your old one just sit around collecting dust. Instead, sell it to Gazelle. Depending on the condition of what you’re selling, you could earn anywhere from £5 to £10 to £50 and even more. They’ll even pay for shipping. When they’ve received and reviewed your item, they’ll let you know via email, and your payment will be sent via PayPal within a few days. You can also opt for Gazelle credit if you’re in the market for used electronics.


12. Sell your old electronics on uSell.

Much like Gazelle, uSell will pay you for your old electronics. However, uSell seems to have a wider range of things they will buy back, especially when it comes to older models. Got an iPhone 4 sitting around? Try selling it on uSell.


13. Sell your photos on FOAP.

If you take a lot of photos with your smartphone, you can upload your best shots to FOAP, a stock photo site. If your photo sells, you get five bucks. Be aware, though, that not every submitted photo will make it past the community review process, and then, not every photo that passes will sell. But, if you’re an avid smartphone photographer, it’s a good place to stash some images and see if any buyers show up.


14. Sell your photos on fotolia.

Run by imaging and software powerhouse Adobe, fotolia is a stock photo site that invites photographers to sell their work. For every photo you sell, you’ll earn 33% of the sale price, which is determined by how many photos a client purchases and is not set by you. The Adobe name is the big draw here, so it may be worthwhile to upload a few shots for sale.


15. Sell your photos, vectors, and footage on Shutterstock.

Whether you have great photos, great graphics, or great video, you can put them up for sale on Shutterstock. All of your content needs to be approved, and then once the downloads start, you make money based on the site’s tiered payment system.


16. Sell your photos, illustrations, video, and audio on iStock.

Not just anyone can sell stock on iStock. To sell your work on iStock, you’ll need to apply, pass a quiz, and have some work samples approved. Once iStock let you in, you can upload photos, illustrations, video, and audio and receive a 15%-45% commission on anything you sell. It’s not a lot, but the high volume of traffic on iStock makes it worthwhile.


17. Sell your hair on HairSellon.

Human hair, especially hair that hasn’t been treated with chemicals, is worth a premium. If you have long hair that you’d like to cut, you could earn a surprisingly high amount of money by selling it on HairSellon. An account is free, and a basic listing advertising your hair for sale is $14. Once you get a buyer, you get paid the amount you set, and then you cut off your hair and mail it to him or her. Of course, this isn’t an opportunity you can do all that often (since the longer the hair, the more money it will fetch), but it’s not a bad way to get some quick cash in your pocket.



18. Use Google AdSense to put ads on your blog.

If you’ve got a blog, you can quickly and easily monetize it using Google AdSense. It’s totally free to use, and with it, you can place small, mostly inconspicuous ads on your blog. When visitors click on an ad, you get a few pence; if your blog gets a lot of traffic, those clicks can add up quickly.


19. Monetize your YouTube videos.

You can also use Google AdSense to put small ads on your YouTube Videos or have ads play before them. Again, each time your video is played by a unique viewer, you get a few cents. Make videos that garner lots of views, and you could see the residuals come in quickly.


20. Do some affiliate marketing on your blog.

Like AdSense, you can partner with affiliate marketing companies to put small ads on your blog or godaddy website. If you can direct your visitors to those companies’ sites, you get a small kickback. With most affiliate marketing, your percentage is greater if the visitor makes a purchase.


21. Or, do some CPA marketing on your blog.

CPA stands for cost per action, and it’s another way to make money by placing small ads on your blog or website. The marketing company will give you a small fee whenever your visitors carry out a specified action, such as downloading a file, subscribing to a newsletter, or clicking on a given link.


22. Get paid to use Twitter with PaidPerTweet.

If you’ve got a ton of Twitter followers, you’ve got a captive audience. Through PayPerTweet, you can monetize that achievement by earning money for tweeting. Now, this isn’t a good option unless you’re a heavy user with a big following. However, if you think you’ve got the followers and you don’t mind using your Twitter account for promotion, you can offer it up to others for a price that you set.


23. Become a star on Instagram.

There are 500 million users on the free and popular photo sharing site, and if you’re savvy enough, you can be one of the few who actually makes some money from it. Instagram users with lots of followers may find that larger companies will sponsor them (as in, pay them) for using their account to promote certain products in their photos. This definitely changes the nature of your personal account, but for businesses who want to advertise their product, it’s a more organic way to reach new sets of eyes. If you’ve got lots of followers, check out The Mobile Media Lab for opportunities, or reach out to individual companies’ marketing departments directly




24. Do small jobs on Amazon Mechanical Turk.

Computers can do lots of things, but there are a few jobs that they simply can’t do. For those tasks, humans are required, and if you’re a human who can do them, you can get paid for them. Amazon Mechanical Turk is a division of Amazon Web Services, and it pays everyday people like to to do simple jobs requiring human cognition. For each job you complete, you’ll be paid, and best of all, you can do most of them from the comfort of your couch.


25. Do small jobs on TaskRabbit.

From cleaning to laundry to just running errands, users post all sorts of jobs on TaskRabbit. Pick up a job or two, complete them, and get paid. It’s that simple. TaskRabbit currently operates in nine cities in the US, but if you don’t live in or near any of them, no worries: TaskRabbit offers virtual tasks as well.


26. Or, do small jobs on Zaarly.

Like TaskRabbit, Zaarly connects task doers with task assigners in a limited number of cities; currently, it’s just seven places. If you live in one of them, you can find and take jobs doing all sorts of things, like lawn care, house cleaning, and handyman odd jobs.


27. Do small virtual jobs on Fiverr.

The neat thing about Fiverr is that you can do whatever you’re good at and, provided there’s someone who wants to take advantage of your skills, get paid. You can advertise what you’re good at, but then you’ll have to wait to get hired. The site’s name comes from the starting price of jobs: just five quid.


28. Complete a gig on Gigwalk.

Like some of the sites already discussed, there are lots of small jobs on Gigwalk. However, unlike the previously discussed sites, the jobs, or gigs, on Gigwalk are typically posted by larger companies. They’re often local in nature, and many require you to go to a nearby business and gather some information. Get some gigs done and get paid.


29. Work with MicroWorkers.

Similar in nature to Amazon Mechanical Turk, MicroWorkers posts jobs that require some semblance of human intelligence to complete. Find jobs, get them done (they’re typically pretty simple), and add to your balance. When you’re at ten bucks or more, you can cash out.


30. Freelance on Upwork.

With over four million clients, the freelance work site formerly known as ODesk has tons of jobs on it. You apply to the ones you think you’re most qualified for, and if you’re hired, you’ve got work. Finish your jobs to the clients’ satisfaction, and you’ll get paid.


31. Freelance on Freelancer.

Just as with Upwork, you can get freelance work in all types of categories on Freelancer. You bid on jobs, and if your bid is accepted, the work is yours. When it’s done, you’ll get the price you quoted.


32. Freelance on Toptal.

If you’re a software developer or designer, Toptal is probably the best place for you to find some freelance gigs. It’s used by top clients like JP Morgan, Pfizer, Airbnb, and others. You’ll have to pass their screening process first, though, and Toptal claims that only 3% of those who apply get through. However, if you do pass, you should be able to find some good paying jobs.


33. Do some freelance writing on iWriter.

For freelance writers, sites like iWriter are a potential goldmine. In fact, some writers do make a full time living just taking on freelance writing jobs on iWriter. The pay is small to start, but once your work is reviewed well by clients, you start to earn more per job. It’s an easy sign up process, though; just log in and get started.


34. Do some freelance writing on HireWriters.

To get writing jobs on HireWriters, you’ll have to pass their screening first. Once you’re in, it’s close to the same process that iWriter uses: you can start taking jobs for beginners, and once you earn your stripes in the form of jobs completed on time and positive reviews, you’ll be promoted up the ranks and be able to earn more.


35. Do some freelance writing on Textbroker.

With Textbroker, writing jobs are up for the taking once you’ve been vetted. This means that you’ll need to submit a writing sample (for which you are not paid), and the score you receive on it will determine how much you’ll be paid. Fortunately, if you don’t get the ranking you’re after, you can re-submit your writing sample after a few positive reviews.


36. Do some freelance design on 99Designs.

If you’re a designer who loves beating out the competition, check out the design contests on 99Designs. All you’ll need to do is follow the design briefs that clients upload and submit your design. If you win, you get paid. Of course, if you don’t win, you don’t, making this a bit more of a crap shoot than some other freelance sites. However, if clients get to know your work and like you, you can get hired to do work without having to beat out other designers on a job by job basis.


37. Do some freelance design on DesignCrowd.

Much like 99Designs, the jobs on DesignCrowd are more like contests. While this is definitely stacked in favor of the clients and against you, the designer, there’s still work to be had. You can submit entries in the posted design contests, or, if you’d rather not work for free, you can bid on posted freelance jobs.


38. Do some freelance research and more on ClickNwork.

The jobs on ClickNwork are for both individuals and teams, so no matter what your preferred work style may be, you can find a job that will suit it. Jobs for business writers, data entry specialists, translators, analysts, and more are all up on the site; complete one or more, and the paycheck is yours.


39. Be a freelance translator on Proz.

Google Translate is OK in a pinch, but it doesn’t pick up on the subtle nuances of a language. For that, you need a real live translator. If you’re multi-lingual, you can apply for small translation jobs on Proz. You’ll need to put in quotes for most jobs, so it’s important to keep your prices competitive. Still, if you’re able to translate, this is a great opportunity to earn some money.


40. Write lists for Listverse.

When it comes to great web content, lists are king. (The article you’re currently reading is a prime example.) Listverse is a site that will pay contributors for lists if they publish them — and it’s not chump change. Each published list will earn £100. Your list needs at least 10 items, and you’ll need a PayPal account to receive payment. The only downside is that if your list doesn’t get published, you did all the work for nothing, but for £100 a pop, it might be worth the risk.


41. Write content for The Dollar Stretcher.

If you know a lot about pinching pennies and can articulate it in written form, The Dollar Stretcher will pay you for it at the rate of ten cents per word. You can submit completed articles that are roughly 500-700 words, and if it’s accepted, you’ll get a payout; as with many submission sites, there’s no guarantee that your finished piece will be accepted for payment.


42. Write content for Matador Network.

If you get an article accepted on this travel website, you’ll be paid £40. The key word there is “if,” as the site gets a lot of submissions and doesn’t guarantee a response to each one. However, if you’ve got a good story that’s under 1500 words, and you’ve proofread it multiple times, send it in and see if it sticks.


43. Write content for WOW! Women on Writing.

WOW! is an online magazine that tackles all issues that have something — anything — to do with women. And, if you get something published, they’ll pay you pretty well: anywhere from £50 for a Twenty Questions piece to £150 for a full length feature article. You can send in a finished piece, or you can send in a query first; the second option is probably best if you don’t want to risk not getting paid for your work.


44. Write content for Scary Mommy.

If you’ve got good tales from the parenting trenches, Scary Mommy will pay £100 for each article they publish. They prefer lists and short essays, though nothing is totally ruled out. The site gets a lot of submissions, though, so if you don’t hear back from them, it probably means that they won’t run your piece. If they do run it, though, you get to invoice them for a cool hundred.


45. Become a virtual assistant.

If you’re good with details and don’t mind handling somewhat menial tasks like making appointments, keeping a calendar, and responding to non-personal emails, there are opportunities for virtual assistant work on just about every internet job site. The pay is usually around minimum wage, and the hours typically aren’t full time, but if you’re looking to make some cash working just a few hours a day, then perhaps being a virtual assistant will work nicely for you.


46. Be a Work Anywhere Agent for Working Solutions.

Working Solutions hires “skilled, educated, and motivated professionals” for all sorts of work from home jobs, mostly in the realm of customer service and tech support. The pay is anywhere from minimum wage to £30 per hour, depending on the particular job you’re working on, and you can set your own hours. Work enough, and you can earn a legitimate full time income.



47. Help out on Experts Exchange.

If your expertise lies in the IT field, you could make some money by helping other solve their computer-related conundrums or doing IT-related freelance work. You can also publish your own helpful advice in exchange for a premium membership, which will give you access to even more opportunities.


48. Help out on Ether.

If you’d like to make yourself available for phone consultation on a topic about which you’re particularly well versed, Ether can facilitate the connection. You get your own Ether phone number, so you’ll never have to give out your own number. Then, you make an ad, get calls, and get paid based on the help you provide.

49. Fill out surveys on SurveySavvy.

It’s a simple premise: companies want consumer input, and you are a consumer with opinions. SurveySavvy matches you up with those companies, and when you fill out their surveys about consumer products and services, you make a little money. There are also opportunities for behavioral research studies, which also pay. The money isn’t huge, but if you’ve got the time to spare, it’s not a bad way to make a few bucks. Plus, you can get a payout after earning just $1.


50. Fill out surveys on MintVine.

MintVine is another survey site that matches web users with companies looking for consumer opinions. Again, there’s not huge amounts of money to be made, but the effort you expend filling out surveys is minimal, and the paycheck is very real.


51. Fill out surveys with Vindale Research.

Vindale Research is a legitimate online market research panel, and it’s been around for over ten years. You can join for free, fill out surveys, and get money in your account; when you’ve reached £50, you can cash out. It can be tedious work, but they payouts are very real.


52. Fill out surveys and complete tasks with Clixsense.

Clixsense has all sorts of little tasks for you to do, and when you complete them, you get a little money in your account. These include things like filling out surveys, performing Google searches, and completing offers. There are also weekly contests for the top performers, which can add to your earnings. Cashing out starts at just $8 for standard members.


53. Provide reviews on Slicethepie.

We all have opinions, but with Slicethepie, you can get paid for sharing them. You can review everything from new music to new commercials to fashion and more. The more you review, the higher your ranking and the more opportunities there are to earn more.


54. Complete online activities on InboxDollars.

You can earn a little bit of money for completing prescribed activities on sites like InboxDollars. Surveys are an option, but so are games, online shopping, performing web searches, and more. Each individual activity doesn’t pay much, but if you do enough of them, they do add up.


55. Complete online activities on Swagbucks.

This is another site on which you can earn some money here and there for performing activities online. With Swagbucks, there’s more of a variety of things to do, though, and many of them are things you’d do anyway, like surf the web and shop online. Payouts are either via PayPal deposits or gift cards to major national retailers.


56. Complete tasks on UserTesting.

If you’ve got a reliable high speed connection, a computer with a webcam, and can follow simple directions for about 20 minutes, you can earn some decent cash on UserTesting. You’ll get a video with a series of tasks, and you’ll need to record yourself as you complete them, talking about your thoughts as you go. For each video assignment you complete, you’ll earn £10, and payments are given out through PayPal each week.


57. Watch and give your opinion at MyPoints.

MyPoints is all based on — you guessed it — points. You can earn them by watching online videos, filling out surveys, and using certain discounts when you shop. In return for taking care of these tasks, you get some points. Earn enough, and you can redeem them for merch or gift cards.


58. Do one on one tutoring at

If you’re looking to make some extra money and you’ve got the heart of a teacher, you might consider applying to become a tutor at All tutoring sessions take place in real time via live chat, so you’ll need a stable high speed connection and a webcam-type camera. The site sets your rate, so there’s no jockeying for position when it comes to undercutting your fellow tutors for jobs. Plus, you can work the hours you want; tutoring can happen any time.


59. Be an expert on GotIt!

The app that was formerly Tutor Universe, GotIt links students who need homework help or have quick questions with academic experts who can help them out. For each student you help, you get paid; the site boasts that you can earn up to £400 per month. It’s not a full time income by any means, but for graduate students and other academic types who are looking to supplement what they’re already making, it’s a viable option.


60. Help students succeed on Chegg Tutors.

If you’re an expert in one or more academic subjects, Chegg Tutors (formerly InstaEDU) will pay at least £20 an hour for your services. You’ll need to apply, but once you’re accepted, you can set your own hours and tutor students from all over the world. Payments are sent out weekly via PayPal, and Chegg insists that tutors can earn over £1000 per month. That’s not a bad paycheck.


61. Be a guide on ChaCha.

ChaCha is a search engine of a different color. It relies on people power rather than data-driven search engines, and guides who provide results can earn some money for every response they give. The window for applications to become a guide on ChaCha opens and closes, so you’ll have to hit it on the right day. However, if you pass the orientation process (which includes a test), you’re in. The money comes in slowly at first, but the work is simple, and the paychecks can really add up.


62. Be a nurse consultant with Fonemed.

If you’re a registered nurse, you might consider a remote triage position with Fonemed. It’s just what it sounds like: you speak on the phone with patients, answer their questions, and provide the best medical advice you can. You make a few bucks for each call, and some nurses take an average of a dozen an hour. There’s an interview process to get hired, but once you’re in, you can work 100% from home.


63. Grade standardized tests for Pearson.

The requirements to do this job usually involve holding a master’s degree along with several years of teaching experience, but if you qualify, you can work from home grading portions of ACTs and other standardized tests. Pay is hourly, with incentives for high validity and volume, and you can pretty much work when it’s convenient for your schedule. Scorers are trained on a rubric, and as long as you demonstrate that you’re applying it properly, you can work up to 40 hours per week on any given project.


64. Grade standardized test essays for ETS.

ETS is the test administrator for the SAT exams. They’re given several times per year, which means there are lots of essays to grade. As with Pearson, you need teaching experience plus an advanced degree. If you qualify, they’ll train you on their rubric and make sure you know how to apply it before you score any actual student responses. ETS wants its scorers to work in four or eight hour shifts, so you’ll need to make sure you have large blocks of time available to work, but the number of hours you work per week isn’t capped; that’s especially the case during high volume times.


65. Teach remotely for colleges and universities with online education programs.

If you have an MA or MS in your field and are interested in remote teaching, many colleges and universities offer online programs for their students. The application process for online teaching positions varies from one school to the next, but the opportunities are out there, and they tend to pay pretty well for a job that you can do on your couch.


66. Create a class on Udemy.

If you want to teach online but either can’t do it with a college or don’t want to, you can create your own class on Udemy. Using this platform, you can share your expertise with students all over the globe and set your own price for it. While many instructors earn a little extra money each month, some go-getters earn a legitimate full time income from teaching on Udemy.


67. Answer questions on Ammas.

Ammas is another site that allows you to monetize the things you already know. The site has a stockpile of queries waiting to be answered. Look up the ones in your area of expertise, answer them, and you get some money in your account.


68. Become an expert on JustAnswer.

Lots of people have questions about professional matters that can’t really be answered very well just by Googling them. That’s where JustAnswer comes in. If you’re an expert, you answer those questions on JustAnswer in your subject area, and you get some money. The site claims that top experts earn over £1000 each month; you might set your sights lower to start, but there’s potential here.


69. Test software on uTest.

If you know the ins and outs of software and don’t mind testing some programs in their formative stages, you can make money doing just that on uTest. The company claims that it paid out over £20,000,000 last year, so there’s clearly money to be made. Create a profile, tell them your testing preferences, and you’re on your way.


70. Test websites with Gomez PEER.

You can get paid for testing the speed of the websites you visit, and you actually don’t have to do anything besides install a little piece of (totally safe) software. When you sign up on Gomez PEER, you’ll be asked to run this software as you’re browsing the web and going about your regular online life. If it runs for at least 20 minutes a day, you’ll earn a few cents. It’s not a ton of money, but you get paid for doing something that you’d do anyway.


71. Search the web with Bing.

Microsoft’s search engine Bing is trying to compete with Google, and that’s not easy. To convince more people to use Bing, and to improve their search engine, they’ve started Bing Rewards, a program that will actually pay you to use it instead of Google. Actually, you won’t get cash, but you will get credits that you can trade in for gift certificates, and that’s sort of the same thing.


72. Share your opinion on 2020Panel.

2020Research conducts lots of online research studies, and if you participate, you get paid. You’ll need to set up an account, but for every panel study you complete, you’ll be compensated a decent amount: often around $50 or even more.


73. Be a mock juror on

Fans of legal dramas may appreciate earning money on eJury. The site is a way for attorneys to get a feel for how their cases will play out, and your job is to sit on one of the mock juries and share your thoughts about the cases to which you’re assigned. They pay is sort of low — maybe $5 or $10 per case — so you really need to be interested in how our country’s legal system works to make it worth your time.


74. Answer calls for Alpine Access.

These are customer service type jobs, and they pay is just over minimum wage, but if you don’t mind talking on the phone for a few hours at a time and you enjoy helping people, it may be a good way for you to make money from home. You’ll need to go through a job interview and pay for them to run a background check on you before you can start. Paid training is included, and the work is steady.




75. Get ranked on Klout and get free stuff.

While Klout won’t necessarily get you free money, it can get you free products and/or services. In order to qualify, you’ll need to be ranked as a mover and shaker on social media — that’s your Klout score. Getting the necessary impact may take a while, but once you’re known as an influencer on social media, you could qualify for all sorts of free stuff.


76. Get credit through Amazon Associates.

Much like ads and affiliate marketing, Amazon has a program that places small ads on your blog or website to direct your visitors to items they have for sale. If and when your visitor makes a purchase, you get a small percentage. Earn ten quid or more, and you’ll be given credit, which, as you know, can be redeemed for pretty much anything.


77. Get money back with Ibotta.

Ibotta is a popular discount/rebate app that gives you money back on all sorts of things, including clothes, household necessities, and many food items that are probably on your weekly grocery list. You download the app, set up a free account, do the small tasks required to get the rebates (usually answering a question, reading a short fact, or watching a short video), and then upload your receipt when you buy those items. The money usually appears in your account within 24 hours, and you can cash out once you have £20 or more in there.


78. Get money back with SavingStar.

SavingStar is an app that works a lot like Ibotta, though it’s for groceries only and usually has fewer rebate items. However, it often has rebates that you can earn over several shopping trips, like earning £5 for spending £20 on a particular brand in one month. Plus, there are no tasks to complete; just check off the rebates you want, go shopping, scan your customer loyalty barcode upon checkout, and you’ll get your money in a few days. You’re able to cash out with just $5 in your account, too.


79. Save money with TheKrazyCouponLady.

Want to try your hand at extreme couponing? Check out all the coupons, rebates, offers, and helpful tips on TheKrazyCouponLady. You’ll need some time to wade through it all, and a printer is necessary for many of the coupons, but you can put some serious cash in your pocket just by looking through the site.


80. Win prizes on RewardTV.

If you love to watch TV and can answer a few trivia questions about your favorite shows, you can put yourself in the running to win some pretty nice prizes, like gift cards and free cable for a month. You earn points for the questions you answer correctly, then use those points as currency to big on the rewards you want. It’s not a surefire way to get anything, but if you’re addicted to some shows that are currently on TV, you stand a pretty good chance of getting something good.


81. Get money back with Paribus.

It’s a pretty neat concept: give Paribus access to your email inbox, and it will track all of your online purchases. Specifically, it notes the price you paid and compares it to the same item’s current price for a few weeks. If the price drops, it gets you the difference back (minus its 25% fee). You don’t really have to do anything proactive, and it’s not a guaranteed moneymaker, but if you do a fair amount of your shopping online, Paribus can put some of that cash back in your pocket.


82. Play games on Cash Dazzle.

The site is a bit convoluted and full of advertising, but you actually can make some money on it. To play games and try to win, you’ll need tokens, and to earn tokens, you’ll need to complete offers. Big money (as in, a few hundred bucks) can come your way if you win, but that’s not a given. Still, it’s mindless and sort of fun.



83. Publish your own ebook on Amazon.

Writers are no longer slaves to publishing companies. There’s no need to hire an agent to shop around your manuscript when you can self-publish your own ebook on Amazon, price it as you see fit, and then sell it to enthusiastic readers. Don’t sit on that book idea any longer — write it, publish it, and get paid, all on your own.


84. Wear temporary tattoos with LeaseYourBody.

Here’s how this works: you submit a photo of yourself, and if advertisers think you fit what they’re looking for, they may hire to you wear a temporary tattoo promoting their product. You need to spend £19.99 upfront to become part of the LeaseYourBody community, but once you’re in, you can start making money. Payment for tattoos vary, depending on things like placement and the client’s budget. It’s a crazy concept, but then again, so is the internet.


85. Lose weight with HealthyWage.

Where do you go when you want to lose weight and you’re highly motivated by money? HealthyWage! You can actually place a bet on how much weight you’ll lose, and if you meet your goal, you win the bet and collect your earnings. All you do is set up an account, set your goal, place your bet, and record your initial weigh in. When your time is up, if you’ve lost the weight, your wallet gets heavier.


86. Lose weight with DietBet.

Much like HealthyWage, DietBet is ideal for people who want to lose weight and who aren’t afraid to put their money where their mouth is. It differs in that there are several categories of weight loss and maintenance, such as losing 4% or 10% of your body weight. Plus, there’s a category for people who are at their ideal weight and want to stay there, so it’s a bit more inclusive too.


87. Be a test subject with ClinicalTrials.

This isn’t for everyone, but if you’re willing to be a real life guinea pig, you can earn some money by participating in clinical trials for research new drugs, and all sorts of other things. Search the site for active studies that are recruiting participants, and if you qualify for one in your area, apply. Complete it, and you could see a paycheck in your future.


88. Test video games.

If you love to play video games, this might seem like the ultimate dream job: getting paid to play games! That’s sort of what the job entails, but it’s maybe not as exciting as you might think. You don’t actually play games like you normally would. Instead, you need to run through all the possible scenarios on each level or scene to check for bugs or glitches, work that could very well take all the fun out of playing for some people. You also don’t get to choose the games. Still, it’s a living, and the pay isn’t bad: most testers start at around $10 per hour. Check with your favorite game company — chances are that they’re hiring work-from-home testers.


89. Be a driver for Uber.

You’ve probably heard about Uber by now: it’s the car for hire service that employs everyday people like you — and their vehicles — as veritable taxis in their area where they live. Signing up to drive with Uber takes a few minutes, and you’ll need some important documents like your license and registration, plus the company will run a background check. Once you’re approved, though, you can set your own schedule, and most drivers make around $20 an hour; drivers in big cities tend to earn more.


90. Be a driver for Lyft.

Much like Uber, Lyft allows you to use your own vehicle like a taxi, pick up passengers, and get paid for providing rides. The site claims that drivers can make up to £35 per hour plus tips, depending on where you live and how many fares you get. Drivers need to be 21 and pass a background check, but once you’re in, you can start driving.


91. Rent your car with Turo.

If you’ve got a relatively nice car but don’t drive it every day, you can make some money by renting it out through Turo. Listing is free, you can set the minimum daily price, and you can turn down any prospective renters. Plus, should anything happen to your car when it’s rented, Turo has a pretty good insurance policy worth $1 million in liability coverage alone.


92. Rent your home or spare room with Airbnb.

Whether you’ve got a house, a private room, or just a spare room in your home, you can list it on Airbnb and earn money when it’s rented. The site can help you determine a fair market price for your rental, and you get to have final say on who can and can’t rent your space. They’re fully insured, so if a guest damages your property, it’s covered. Plus, Airbnb takes just 3% of the rental fee.


93. Rent your home with VRBO.

VRBO, or Vacation Rental By Owner, allows anyone who owns a vacation home to rent it by the week. It’s a popular site, so you’ll get lots of views on your listings, and views typically translate into income. All listings include up to 24 photos, and you have final approval on all renters.


94. Rent your office space with DeskTime.

If you’re in a relatively big city, and you’ve got a spare desk, office, or any other sort of work space, you can list it for rent on DeskTime. Think of it as a 9-5 Airbnb: people need a space to work, and if you have one, you can make some money renting it out.


95. Be a baby sitter on SitterCity.

As long as people keep having kids, they’ll keep needing babysitters. SitterCity is a site that connects families with sitters, and if you’re on it, you’ll have access to thousands of listings for babysitting jobs. Of course, the actual babysitting part of the deal doesn’t happen on the internet — you have to show up in person to watch your new charges — but the initial interaction all happens online.


96. Share your web browsing history with Nielsen Digital Voice.

This one isn’t a guaranteed way to make money, but if you do make some, it’s pretty substantial. Nielsen Digital Voice just wants to know your browsing habits; they’ll give you a piece of software to install on your computer to track just that. Then, based on how long you’re online, you’ll be entered to win cash prizes totalling up to £10,000 a shot. If you don’t win, you don’t really lose anything (including your time), and Nielsen is a reputable company. And if you win, £10,000 is pretty nice for just surfing the web.


97. Listen to new songs on MusicXRay.

Music fans, listen up. You can get paid a little bit (about a dime) for listening to a new song and sharing your opinion on MusicXRay. All you do is create an account and indicate some of your favorite artists and bands, and MusicXRay will send you songs that fit your tastes. Listen, review, and earn some cash.


98. Be an advocacy coordinator with DDC Advocacy.

If you’re politically minded and want to be involved with campaigns regarding important issues, then working with DDC Advocacy’s On Point At Home may be for you. It’s a lot of letter writing and computer-based office-type work, and while there are some phone calls involved, you won’t be on the phone nonstop. Payment is hourly, and it’s a good way to stay on top of the latest political concerns.


99. Be part of the GO Team with Next Wave Advocacy.

This is another political advocacy organization, and they’re always looking for writers and outreach specialists who want to be involved with political campaigns through their NextWave@Home program. Payment is either hourly or per project, depending on what you’re working on, and the hours are flexible but plentiful if you want them.


100. Advertise on your car with Free Car Media.

If you have a relatively nice car and don’t mind slapping an ad on it, Free Car Media will pay you to drive. Sometimes the advertising is a full car wrap (don’t worry — it’s vinyl and comes off), but you really don’t have to do anything else besides go about your everyday life. It’s a pretty easy way to earn up to £400 per month, which is probably enough to cover your car payment.

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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