First Ski Trip Packing List: What Do You Really Need?

First Ski Trip Packing List: What Do You Really Need?
Published on Sep 07, 2022
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If you have finally taken the plunge and booked your first trip to the slopes then you are probably feeling a little overwhelmed with all the gear you may need whilst over there. 

If this is your first time you’re going skiing, you’ll more than likely be hiring the big equipment such as skis, boots and helmets once there. However, there is still plenty of things to pack your suitcase with to make your first trip a success, without going crazy and overspending. 

Thermal Layers

Layers, and lots of them! You may think that lots of padded thick clothes are ideal for skiing, however, this isn’t always true. Specially developed sporting thermal wear is the best option when looking for clothing for a skiing trip. We love Go Outdoors who have a dedicated Skiing section where you can pick up essentials like thermal clothing.


This is because it is designed to keep the warmth of your skin in, and the cold out, without being too heavy. Layers are always a great idea too, because you may have times when you’ve worked up a sweat down the slopes and want to cool down a little!

Thick Socks

Our hands and feet are the first things to get cold when the temperature drops, so making sure they stay warm on your trip is important. You may choose to invest in a pair of skiing socks from Snow and Rock, which, if you know you’ll be making more skiing trips in the future may be a smart choice. 


Skiing socks are specially developed to have high tech insulation, whilst staying relatively thin to allow full range of movement. If you’re not ready to take that step, just be sure to pack plenty of thick thermal socks to keep your toes warm!

Waterproof Ski Trousers

You’ll probably only need one pair of these, but waterproof ski trousers from LD Mountain Centre are a must. They need to be waterproof, as this will keep you dry in any snow showers, but also stop you from getting soaked should you take a tumble in the snow. 


They are also padded, which keeps you protected on a fall, and also helps to cushion those uncomfortable ski lift chairs! Ski trousers however, shouldn’t be the only thing you wear on the bottom half. Pack thin, but thermal layers for underneath. Activewear is a great choice to wear under your ski trousers. 

Ski Jacket 

The main thing to keep you warm in chillier climates will be a good ski jacket. However, warmth isn’t just the main use for a ski jacket, and there are plenty of other qualities to look for in a good ski jacket. 


You will want to look for a jacket that offers good breathability, because although when in resort you will feel the chill, but when you’re on the slopes you will build up a sweat. Nevisport has a great selection of ski jackets that are just right for the job. A ski resort isn’t often somewhere you’ll see many people carrying bags, so a jacket with pockets will make sure you keep all your personal belongings safe.  

Walking Boots

You might think, but I’m going skiing, all I need is ski boots which you can pick up from Ellis Brigham! Think again, there can be a lot of walking involved in a ski holiday. 


Although you can choose to wear your ski boots around the ski town, they aren’t very comfy for long distance. There is also plenty of icy paths, so a good pair of reliable walking boots with work hard for you around the resort. 


Snow, for many of us, doesn’t make us think of the sun. however, due to the altitude in many ski resorts, there is plenty of sun up there! You may choose to take your regular sunglasses, which are fine whilst in resort, but investing, or even borrowing a pair of ski sunglasses may be sensible. 

Ski sunglasses allow better airflow around your eyes when travelling and speed, and most are polarized, which really helps to protect your eyes from UV rays and limit glare.


Ski sunglasses are great for sunny days, but not all days will be like that. A pair of ski goggles is the safest option when skiing. They offer all-round protection to the eye, which is important when skiing as it can be dangerous to ski without them. If you haven’t looked at Blue Tomato you need to for Ski Goggles, they have so much choice that you’ll definitely find goggles to suit your ski outfit.


It also helps to stop your eyes from watering when you are skiing fast, as the air being pushed into your eyes can cause a trickle, and the last thing you want to be doing whilst speeding down is having to wipe your eyes.


As we mentioned before, your hands and feet are the first things to feel the chill. It would be almost criminal to head skiing without a pair of gloves which you can pick up at stores like Millets quickly and easily! Mittens may make a fashion statement, however they’re not the most practical choice. 


A pair of waterproof gloves, that will keep your hands dry when on the slopes is a much better option. Also having them synthetically lined will insulate when wet, and allows them to dry quicker.

Beanie Hat

A beanie or bobble hat is the best way to conserve body heat, as we lose a lot of heat from our head. It can be overwhelming when searching for which hat to take on your trip, as there is so many out there but we recommend taking a look at Proviz at their beanie hat selection.


A woolly beanie hat is a safe and sensible option, however, if you’re a speed demon and know you’ll be sliding down the slopes at high speed, a thin but insulated hat, that allows your head to breathe, is probably going to benefit your experience more, without your head getting too sweaty! 


Again, for many of us, wearing suncream when heading to one of the coldest places you can go to, may feel alien. However, with the mountains being so up high, when the clouds clear, you are subjected to much higher levels of UV rays. 

Luckily, most of your body will be covered, to keep you warm, although your face and hands can be exposed to the rays for prolonged periods of time. A high-factor suncream applied in the morning, and frequently throughout the day, will keep you safe and avoid any painful sunburn.

Moisturiser & Lip Balm

Wintery conditions are the worst for drying out your skin, the cold weather is tough on it! Coupled with the low humidity, moisture is drawn out of the skin, and heading in and out of cold temperatures, our skin can take a real battering on a ski holiday. 

A moisturiser and lip balm will be your best friend for the trip, so be mindful to reapply whenever you make a stop!

First Aid Kit

When filling your suitcase for your trip to the slopes, a first aid kit is something not to forget! Whether you’re planning to stick to pistes, or heading out for some extreme sports, make sure your kit contains the essentials should you come into any trouble. You can pick up First Aid Kits online from stores like The Snowboard Aslyum so you can be sure you’re covered.


Things to consider are bandage wraps, plasters, antiseptic wipes, some painkillers and a variety of medications. This list isn’t exhaustive, so maybe have a chat with some more experienced skiers about the things they’d recommend. 

Everyday Clothes & Toiletries

Although you’ll be spending most of your time exposed to the elements on the mountains when abroad, packing your every day clothes and toiletries is essential. 

These can be worn under your ski gear when you are out there, but in the evenings there is the opportunity to socialise in cosy pubs and bars, where you won’t want to don the full kit. There may also be the chance to take a dip in a hot tub, or sweat it out in a sauna, so some swimwear also wouldn’t go a miss in your case.

Go Pro or Camera

You’re talking what for some people, is a once-in-a-lifetime trip, and is something you’ll want to look back on for years to come. If you’re able to, a go pro that you can attach to your head is the best way to catch the action, and relive the moment you were speeding down the slopes! 

Ski resorts are also extremely picturesque, so a camera to capture the beautiful scenery to show off to your friends and family back home, is also a great pick.

Holiday Insurance

All holidays require some form of holiday insurance, but it’s an absolute non-negotiable when taking a skiing trip. Regular travel insurance doesn’t cover you if you have an accident whilst skiing, so you will need to make sure you opt for insurance that specifically covers you for this trip. 

It may seem a lot pricier, but there is a lot of costs involved in a winter sports trip you could be subject to, such as damaged or stolen equipment, lost lift passes and avalanche delays. Having appropriate insurance will cover you in these eventualities.

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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