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Our Top Money Saving Tips for University Students 2021

Our Top Money Saving Tips for University Students 2021
Published on May 27, 2021
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Whether you’re a fresher eager to start University after the Summer, or a 2nd year who found out the hard way(!) – knowing how to save money at Uni is one of the absolute student essentials!

Going to University will be one of the best experiences of your life. You’ll likely move away from your hometown, meet new people, and there will be dozens of amazing things for you to experience! So, taking away any money-related worries will be a huge relief for you.

Take a look at our top money-saving tips for university students as outlined below:

Young happy woman holding a bank card

Bank Accounts & Budgeting

Boss Your Monthly Budget

First and foremost, putting together a monthly budget is absolutely crucial. The last thing you want to do is get to the end of the month and find out you’ve got no money in the bank and wonder where it all went.

Moving away from home may mean this is the first time you’ve ever had to pay major bills, so having a good awareness of your monthly outgoings and your disposable cash will help you massively.

Save, Save, Save!

Now you’re standing on your own two feet, saving for a rainy-day fund is a must.

You never know when an unexpected bill (or holiday) might come along. So ensuring you’re fully prepared for this with savings will be something you’ll definitely thank us for later.

There are also tonnes of awesome student saving banks and apps out there. So shop around and find the one that will work best for you.

Say No to Accounts You Don’t Need           

When you start Uni, you’ll likely get inundated with credit card offers. These may seem like a good idea at first, but be wary.

Credit cards can be a great way to build up your credit score, as can paying your rent and other bills on time. However, having multiple credit cards can be difficult to keep track of and could land you in debt. Before you even attempt to get a new credit card make sure you check your credit rating with Student Credit Checker.

If you do want to open a credit card or other similar credit account – then make sure you find out all the small print first and ensure you keep on top of your payments.

Young woman holding a bill looking shocked

Cut Your Bills

Do You Really Need All TV Channels?

It’s your first chance to be in control of your TV channels. So, naturally, you get them all!

But do you really need them? Now TV has all the sports, news, movies, and TV shows you could possibly dream of so it’s a good ‘all-rounder’ if you only want to pay for one subscription.

 And let’s face it, every time you want to watch football, you could just head to the local campus sports bar. 

Use Price Comparison Sites

Price comparison sites and apps are a great way to ensure that you’re not overpaying on any of your bills.

Simply pop in your details and what you require – and they’ll do the rest for you! You can check that you’re on the right tariff for you. Or whether any other suppliers have any better deals currently on. We like sites such as Energy Switcheroo for finding the best deals on utilities.  

You could also check for the latest discount codes on energy and heating suppliers – which could end up saving you a heap of cash.

Live Smartly (remember what your parents told you)

Once you’re happy with the suppliers and tariffs you’re on for your bills, you should be considerate of how you can keep them to a minimum!

How many times have your parents ever pestered you to turn the lights off? Or the TV that you’re not watching off? Or how about how long you spend in the shower? We’re sorry to say it, but they were totally right!

If you’re in student accommodation, then it’s more than likely that your gas, electric, and water bills are all in excess of your rent. So you and your house mates should be as mindful as possible to keep those extra costs down! Why not grab yourself some energy saving lightbulbs from Nisbets to keep down your electricity bills – every little helps!

Young happy couple with their groceries

Food & Drink

Shop Groceries Wisely

Before you head over to the supermarket, make sure you get organised for the week. Speak to your housemates, and get a list together for the full week.

Shopping this way will stop you from buying unnecessary things. And it’ll save you a lot of money if you plan meals that you can have together.

Make sure you also shop around for the supermarket that offers everything you need, at the best prices. Remember that this might even be online, so make sure you keep an eye out for any good discount codes for online grocery stores such as Iceland, where you can get a ton of deals and do a ‘big shop’ that won’t cost the earth.

Plan for Takeaways

“Shall we get a takeaway?” The dreaded question that every student loves to hear!

As difficult as it may be, especially after a night out, try to limit take-outs as much as possible. Not only are they not great for your health and fitness. But you’d also be amazed (and shocked!) and how much they end up costing you!

Likewise, try to make your own coffee before heading out to campus! This is probably one of our top money-saving tips for students. It’s so simple to do but also very easy to forget. If it’s the fancy coffee you’re after, then look out for a coffee maker discount code from stores like Currys to brew your own at home!


Let’s face it. The main aim at Uni is to have as many drinks as you can in the shortest period of time, right?

Save yourself a few quid by opting to have pre-drinks with your friends, rather than just heading straight out to the bars. This may get you slightly more inebriated, but it’ll save you a lot of cash in the long. So win, win?!

If you want to impress your mates, you could even bring the bar to your house or flat. Buy your own wine and beer packages from stores like Majestic. Or even a cocktail making kit that you can use time and time again. You can look for any current discount codes for any of these here.

A group of students relaxing and studying in their apartment

Other Shopping

Flat & Room Equipment

Get a list together of all the home equipment and appliances you need and then plan who’s going to buy what! It’s pointless having multiple of everything, and it’ll save you a decent amount of cash.

When you do start buying your flat and room equipment, make sure you shop around, and don’t forget online stores such as Amazon for cheap deals and quick delivery. You can often get the best prices online and there are often dozens of discount codes for home goods stores.

A group of students on a warm day with shopping bags

Personal Shopping (all the good stuff)

For a lot of University students, this is where the majority of your student loan probably goes!

Clothes, bags, shoes, jewellery, gym wear from ASOS– they’re all essentials. But try to limit yourself and make sure you include all of these within your monthly budget.

Look to purchase different items during their lower season where they might be in the sale. Or if you need something urgently, then do a search for any relevant fashion discount codes first.

A set of books, sticky notes and pens

University Equipment (the not-so-good stuff)

Now, this is the bit that you really don’t want to spend your student loan on!

We’re afraid to say it, but going to Uni does mean there will be some essential equipment you’ll need to purchase.

Our advice is to not purchase anything until you’ve been to your first seminar. You may find out that they have books to loan you, or that they’re all readily available in the library.

For any equipment or books that you do need to purchase – make sure you shop around at book stores such as Abe Books. You could try second-hand ones from charity stores or look online for any College & University related discount codes.


Always Ask About Student Discount

Almost everywhere you go will offer student discounts, especially on campus and around the city centre. So don’t forget to ask!

There’s some amazing deals to be had and you’d be surprised at home many places actually offer it.

Don’t Buy Anything Without a Discount Code!

We’ve mentioned this a few times already. But it’s so important that you don’t jump into any purchase without looking for a discount or code first!

At Hey Discount, we work with a wide variety of stores to ensure we can bring the best discount codes to you.

Are you a fresher on a budget? If so, you can check out our other advice articles here. Or for more money-saving tips for University students, please get in touch with us.

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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