Vehicle Rental 3 min read

The Benefits of Hiring a Car Abroad on Your Next Family Trip

The Benefits of Hiring a Car Abroad on Your Next Family Trip
Published on Aug 16, 2022
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If you are lucky enough to be travelling abroad soon with your family and children then hiring a car may actually work out better in terms of cost, time and convenience.   

Children can be a handful at the best of times, but when travelling abroad, arranging a hire car may make your holiday more seamless. If you're currently weighing up the pros and cons of hiring a car abroad rather than using public transport, read on to find out more.

Freedom to Explore

If you are travelling abroad with your children then we all know that they get restless and can get bored easily. Having access to a vehicle means that you have the freedom to explore. 

You can pack up the car, pack up the kids, throw in some car games and set off to find your own adventure. Not having a vehicle can limit where you can go and at what times you can go as you are reliant on public transport which may not get you straight from A to B.  

With car hire from providers such as Hoppa, you will not have to wait for a pre-arranged excursion to a destination you are not that excited about, you have the freedom to pick your own destination and take off whenever you like!


The luxury of your own vehicle means you can go as far as you like and when you like!

 An added bonus is that when the kids are tired from your adventures, you can get back in the car and travel back at your own leisure. You can take off to any destination you want and at any time of the day or night.

 When travelling with children we all know that you cannot ‘travel light’, you’re likely to be taking changes of clothes, food, games etc. so having the convenience of a hired car from providers such as Logi Travel to hand can only make your day trips out and about less stressful.

Peace of Mind

Having a car ready and waiting for you will not only be convenient but will also offer peace of mind. Knowing that when you land at the airport all your luggage will fit into your car hire which you booked in advance from Holiday Autos, and arrive safely with you!  

When travelling with kids we all know that sometimes the heat can get to them, sometimes they feel a little poorly or are just overly tired, having a hire car means that you can get back to your hotel or holiday accommodation and have peace of mind knowing that you do not need to wait for a taxi or public transport when the kids have had enough of the day.  

Save Money

Travelling abroad as a family can be costly, from the expense of finding somewhere big enough to accommodate you all comfortably, to food, outings and activities. The last thing you need, and likely can afford, is another big expense.  

You may think that public transport is cheaper than a hire car when travelling with family. However, more often than not, that isn’t necessarily true. A hire car from a company such as Zest Car Rental can actually save you money and energy! It can be tiresome keeping the kids in check when travelling on public transport and it is likely to cost quite a bit for you all to use public transport such as buses, coaches etc. so it may feel easier just to get a taxi. Well, those taxi fares will start to mount up, it is far cheaper to hire a vehicle to get you and your family around whilst abroad than paying taxi fares.

Feel Safe Driving

Ok, we have all been abroad and been in a taxi and wondered if we would actually make it alive to our hotel! Driving standards abroad can vary wildly from those in the UK and at some point, we have all felt a little unsafe in a taxi, even in the UK.

When you are on a family holiday the most precious cargo you have is your children. You want to ensure that they are safe and the best way to do this is probably for you to be behind the wheel of your own hire car from You will have peace of mind knowing that even if you are unfamiliar with the roads, you are driving safely and won’t arrive at your hotel feeling like you have just taken part in the Grand Prix!

Air Conditioning!

We all go abroad for the sunshine, let's face it, the UK doesn’t quite offer us the experience we want - so jetting off for some summer sun is just what we all need. However, what we don’t need is to be sat on a sweaty coach with no windows or aircon to get to the hotel, or likewise to be sat cramped in a taxi which looks like it may have seen better days! 

As we are not usually that well acclimatised to the heat, aircon can be an absolute lifesaver, it will calm you down and let you regulate your body to then go back and enjoy the sun. Most hire vehicles from agencies such as Kayak have aircon, and the majority of hire vehicles abroad have this as a standard. Don’t skip out looking for a deal to hire a car as this is a luxury some of us definitely need abroad.

Family Time for Longer Journeys

Finally, we all remember long family road trips in the car where you would play games, have a singalong and munch on snacks in the back. Some of our best memories will be from family trips in the car.  

Being on holiday is the perfect time to make some of these memories with your favourite little people. After you have picked up your car hire from Europcar why not try a game of eye-spy for a traditional game, or how about ‘the memory test’ where you go through the alphabet and say a word, so starting with A, the next person has to repeat the previous words and add on the next letter and a word. Kids have a great imagination and it is a chance for them to be silly and have a giggle - it will make any long road trip go without a fuss!

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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