Coffee & Tea 3 min read

Why You Should Invest in a Home Espresso Machine

Why You Should Invest in a Home Espresso Machine
Published on May 24, 2022
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Can you not function without a good cup of coffee in the morning? If so, you NEED your own espresso machine!

Since covid closed down our favourite coffee shops, we’ve all been looking at the best ways to make our favourite drinks from the comfort of our own homes.

Not only does a home espresso machine mean you don’t even have to leave your house for a good coffee – but it also saves so much money in the long run! If you’re in the market for an espresso machine, don’t forget to check out our discount codes before you buy.

Not sure if you really need one? Read some of our top reasons to invest below.

Get a Much-Needed Energy Boost

We all need a caffeine fix, especially on those early mornings!

Caffeine can improve memory, decrease fatigue, and improve your mental functioning. With an at-home espresso machine which you can pick up at Nisbets, you can get that much-needed coffee without even changing out of your pyjamas!

If you’ve got a busy day ahead; running errands, looking after your kids, or just another day in the office - a good cup of coffee can help get you through. 

It also saves on your journey time stopping for a coffee when you’ve got somewhere you need to be.

Be Your Own Barista 

You might be surprised at how much fun it can be to make your own coffee at home using an espresso machine!

With an at-home espresso machine, you can make your own barista-style coffee every day, without the expense of going out to a coffee shop.

There's an endless supply of flavours from Viking Direct and drinks you can create, all to your own taste. There are also so many new skills you can learn, why wait until you’re out for fancy foam art!? Have a look online or on TikTok for tutorials and top tips on how to create barista-style coffee all by yourself. 

Loads of Flavour Variety

Your home coffees don’t ever have to be boring again! From flavoured coffee to lattes to iced mochas, you can do it all yourself.

Some of the most popular coffee flavours can be found in your normal supermarket shop:

  • Vanilla
  • Hazelnut
  • Caramel
  • Chocolate
  • Cinnamon
  • Coconut
  • Almond
  • Pumpkin Spice

The beauty of having your own coffee machine from Currys at home means you can even try new styles of coffee, without paying coffee shop prices!

Why not try some of the styles below?

  • Decaf Coffee
  • Latte
  • Cappuccino
  • Macchiato
  • Cortado
  • Flat White
  • Irish Coffee

They’re Sustainable

Not only is an at-home espresso machine from Appliances Direct better for your bank balance, but it’s also better for the environment!

Buying a coffee from Costa or Starbucks every day might be a nice treat, but all of those cups are really bad for the environment. Around 16 billion paper cups are used for coffee every single year!

Not only does an at-home espresso machine mean you don’t need single-use cups, but even the pods can be more sustainable. Most coffee machine manufacturers now have initiatives where you can return all of your used coffee pods back to the supplier for recycling.

They’re Convenient 

With an at-home espresso machine, you can just push a button to get your morning coffee started while you finish getting ready. 

Making your own coffee at home with your very own coffee machine from Amazon can save you so much time in the morning compared to visiting a local coffee shop on your way to work. It's also so easy to pop on during the day, meaning you can easily get barista-style coffee at any time of day!

You can even get your favourite brand of coffee pods delivered to your door so you don’t even need to leave the house to stock up.  

They Look Super Cool in the Kitchen

As home espresso machines from big brands such as Tassimo become more and more of an everyday appliance, manufacturers are making them specifically designed to look great in our kitchen.

You can now find coffee machines in chrome, stainless steel, black, gold and even rose gold.

We all know how much a mess making a cuppa can be, with hot water, coffee granules and milk ending up all over the sides. A machine avoids all of this as all of the components are neatly stashed away inside! All you have to do is clean out your machine as per the manufacturer's instructions and that’s it.

Save Loads of Cash on Your Morning Commute 

As we’ve previously mentioned, we all need that coffee fix on the way to work!

Heading to a café or chain coffee shop adds both time and expense to your early morning commute.

By investing in a home espresso machine from a store such as AO.Com, you’re not only saving yourself bags of time but money too!

Making your own coffee at home saves that daily expense of paying for one, as an at-home machine works out incredibly more cost-effective. Not only this but what you save on that detour in petrol or diesel soon adds up!

A Nice & Cheap Way to Socialise 

A great way to relax on a weekend is to pop out to a coffee shop to meet friends or family.

After you have invested in an amazing at-home espresso machine from a store such as Bodum, you don’t even need to leave the house! You can make all of your friends and family their favourite barista-style coffees from the comfort of your own home at a fraction of the price.

If you don’t fancy making a round, then you can let them have a go themselves!

This is particularly great for meeting older relatives who aren’t as mobile and going out to a small café is just either not an option or a lot of hassle for the time you get to spend together.

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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