How Much is a CCTV Camera & Can It Save You Money?

How Much is a CCTV Camera & Can It Save You Money?
Published on Jul 06, 2022
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Of course financial gain is not the number one reason for installing a CCTV system at home or within your workplace, but have you ever actually thought about how they could save you money?

With 1 in 10 small businesses being broken into every year, investing in a CCTV system is a wise decision. Visible cameras located around your business's offices or site can be a very successful deterrent for any potential thief – and save you money in the long run.

Likewise, there is nothing more precious than your home, and of course your family and possessions within it. As well as keeping them safe, installing a home or commercial CCTV system could be a very wise investment, find out why below.

Reduce Your Insurance Premiums

Did you know that installing a CCTV system could actually reduce your insurance premiums? They can help you make substantial savings on your monthly or annual costs, as well as lower your excess premiums.

With heightened security, insurance companies are much happier that there is less likelihood of any damages or break-ins and so are willing to offer you insurance packages at much better prices.

And we all know that even when it’s not your fault, you may still end up having to pay out! So having a lower excess cost could help you save a lot of money when you really need it if the worst does happen.

Not only is the price of insurance reduced by simply having these systems in the first place. But by using visible CCTV systems from stores such as Hughes as a deterrent for criminals, you are also saving yourself from having to make a claim in the future in the first place.

Deter Potential Intruders

As mentioned above, with a good quality CCTV system on the exterior of your home or work building, potential thieves will be far less inclined to target you.

You should ensure you have visible signs outside of your property to let potential intruders know that they are being filmed.

And not only does a camera security system from reputable providers such as Currys make it easier to catch burglars, but they can even alert you at the time your property is broken into in real-time. This makes it far easier for criminals to be caught and to prevent any further damage from occurring.

Enable a Safe Working & Home Environment

We know that it’s at the top of every employer’s priority list that their employees feel and are safe. And, of course, it’s always at the top of every parent’s list of priorities to ensure that their family and children are safe in the comfort of their own home.

Exterior CCTV systems from stores such as Appliances Direct are very successful in preventing any unwanted behaviour from other staff members, customers, delivery drivers, or any other intruders for example.

They can also be a massive help should an accident ever occur, so you can see exactly what happened and how to prevent it in future. This could be crucial if an employee was ever to try and make a claim against you.

Capture Footage You May Need at a Later Date

If anything were to ever happen to your property and work premises, police would need to see video footage of any intruders.

With a CCTV system from a store such as GeekMaxi, you can set up which cameras record and save data, and even for how long. This can be invaluable should you ever suffer a break-in.

This could save you a huge amount of money in the long run. As with sufficient evidence, there is a much higher chance that police will be able to apprehend any intruders and retrieve your valuable possessions. 

They Require Little Maintenance

Another great benefit of installing a CCTV system at home or work from stores such as is how little maintenance they actually require. 

Even though there is a cost to them at the outset, they will last you years to come so you can completely rely on them to protect your workplace and family at home.

The only time you might need to tend to them is in the unlikely event that they need repairing, or if they need a little wipe down! 

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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