Activewear 3 min read

How to Kickstart Your Fitness Journey This January!

How to Kickstart Your Fitness Journey This January!
Published on Jan 12, 2022
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Does anything say, ‘New Year, New Me?’ like embarking on a new fitness journey?! As cheesy as it may sound – c’mon, everyone in every corner of the globe knows that January = it’s time to renew that gym membership again!

Whether it’s your New Year’s Resolution (for perhaps the 5th year in a row, but hey – who’s counting?!), or you’ve just been telling yourself for so long that you’re “starting the diet tomorrow”. We’ve all been there – and a new year is always the perfect time to set yourself fresh goals.

Whether it’s attending a gym, starting a new hobby, or hitting those home workouts – it can be difficult to keep your motivation up post-January, and can also end up proving quite costly if not done correctly.

So when it comes to kickstarting your fitness journey – there are a few tips for things that you should do, and some that you shouldn’t in order for it to be a success. 

A young woman sat on an exercise bike with her head in her hand, looking stressed
What You Shouldn’t Do!

Sign Up for a Lengthy Gym Contract

With motivation sky-high and gym membership deals flying around left, right and centre – signing up to a lengthy gym contract can be an easy trap to fall into!

You may think that signing up for an annual contract will give you the motivation to continue going each week. Because “If I’m paying for it, then it will make me go, right?!” Wrong.

Although your local gym’s marketing efforts may make you think you’re getting a good deal by signing up for a longer length contract, you’re probably not really. So do your homework first before signing up for anything for a period of time.

Buy Tonnes of Fitness Equipment

Granted, for any type of fitness journey, some sort of equipment is more than likely always going to be needed.

It’s important that you don’t choose an exercise and then buy every associated piece of equipment possible for it. 

Stick to the basics - a new pair of dumbbells is always a great investment and you’ll be able to find some brilliant deals on them this time of year. If you’re not keen on going out for a walk or a run in the morning and your budget can stretch to it, then a treadmill is also a great investment that’ll last.

Buy a Full New Wardrobe

Whether it’s for a new hobby or gear for the gym, buying a full new wardrobe of active clothes can end up costing you a tonne.


Shopping for gym clothing and shoes is often one of the main motivators people have when trying to push themselves into attending the gym. And, it has its bonuses.


Like with anything, you definitely feel more motivated and positive when you feel good in your clothes – and the gym is absolutely no different! However, it’s important that you find a good balance and don’t get too carried away at the outset. Check out Adidas for you’re your gym clothes where you can pick up the necessities without spending a fortune or over shopping. 

A woman leaning forward in the gym looking happy
What You Should Do!

Find a Motivation

When trying to embark on a new fitness journey, motivation can be difficult to come across. As we mentioned above, many people try to find motivation from buying new clothing or equipment from stores like Under Armour, which is good in the short-term, but in the long-term won’t last, and will also set you back a few bucks.


It’s important to instead find motivation within yourself right from day 1. Whether that’s setting yourself a realistic goal, getting someone like a personal trainer on board who you can be accountable to, or even just starting a fitness diary – creating your own motivation is crucial for any fitness journey that’s going to last the duration.

Test the Waters

Before you even think about signing up for a gym membership or buying fitness equipment at home, it’s so important that you find the right type of exercise for you first!

When people think about ‘getting fit’, the gym is often the immediate first choice. Yet, there are absolutely heaps of different ways you can improve your fitness levels – and the gym is definitely not for everyone!

In January especially – gyms, leisure centres, dance halls, classes and sporting groups will almost definitely offer free day passes, so that you can go and test it out to see what you think before you commit to anything. Rather than training at the gym on your own, you might find that you feel better training in small groups or classes instead. 

Here are a few different types of exercise and sports that you may have not considered:

1) Swimming

 2) Running

 3) Walking

 4) Football

 6) Dancing

Take Advantage of Gym Membership Offers

If like many of us, you do decide to sign up to the gym – then January is the perfect opportunity to snap up great deals on gym memberships.

Whether it’s a reduced monthly cost, no joining fee, or no contract length – these offers could end up saving you a lot of money in the long run.

Just make sure you check all of the terms and conditions beforehand so that you don’t end up with any unexpected bills further down the line.

Buy In Sales

When you’re confident about the best type of exercise for your fitness journey, then now is the time to start purchasing any equipment and clothing that you may need. Check out JD Sports who regularly have sales on gym clothing and accessories


You don’t need to go crazy and buy everything immediately, as you’re likely to advance in your fitness activity over the next few weeks, and your body shape is also more than likely to change.


However, for whatever you do decide to buy – make sure you shop around first! January is notorious for being the month of sales, so this could be a great time to snap up some gym clothing and accessories at stores like Nike. Head over to our fitness page, where you can find discount codes and deals to use across loads of major UK fitness brands.


So, what are you waiting for?! There’s no time like the present - don’t put it off for another day, week or even month. Start now. Yes, NOW!


We hope this article has been useful for you. For more lifestyle guides and money-saving tips, please check out our blog here or contact us for more information.

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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