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How to Save for A Holiday on A Tight Budget: Our Step-by-Step Guide

How to Save for A Holiday on A Tight Budget: Our Step-by-Step Guide
Published on Jun 03, 2021
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As travel begins to re-open for many of us as the world looks to return to some sort of normality – you probably can’t wait to pack your bags and hit the road!

You might be on a tight budget, but please don’t panic. You can still go on an awesome holiday with your partner or as the whole family. All you have to do is save properly!

If you’re wondering how to save for a holiday on a tight budget, then keep reading for our step-by-step guide from our money-saving experts:

a young man with a suitcase looking at a laptop

Step 1) Do Your Research

First things first, before you even think about booking your getaway, you need to do your research!

Make sure that the holiday you book is within your means and that the cash you need to save for it is achievable. Check out Easyjet for budget flights to start with!


You might decide that a local break would be the best way to enjoy time away without breaking the bank. Or you might find your dream overseas beach holiday at TUI at a great price.


Either way, it’s crucial that you do your research to get an idea of the type of trip you want and how much it’s going to set you back.

a person booking a flight on a laptop
Step 2) Look Before You Book!

Once you’ve got an idea of where you want to go, it’s imperative that you shop around first! Take a look at Opodo who have some great holiday deals.  


Use independent sites such as Skyscanner to find the best deals on flights from various airlines. Savings sites such as Hey Discount are also great places to find the best online discount codes for your hotels!


As well as the trip itself, think about how you’re going to get around once you’re there. Are you going to need to hire a car? Check out Expedia before you book a car. Or maybe just get taxis? Either way, you can find a whole bunch of transport discount codes to help you save plenty of cash.

a pot of cash in a jar on a map
Step 3) Review Your Monthly Budget

Once you’re all booked (yippee!) – now it’s time to crunch the numbers.


You’ll have likely just put down a small deposit to book your trip if you booked through eBookers for example. So now you should work out how much you’ve left to pay, how much money you need for shopping before you go, and don’t forget about how much spending money you’re likely to need whilst you’re there.


Once you have an idea of how much you need to save – add it into your monthly budget as a new expense and work out how you can cut back on other expenses to save the cash for it.

glass jars full of money
Step 4) Start Saving NOW

Now that you’ve got your holiday booked, it’s time to start saving!


You know by this point how much you’re going to need to save and where you’re going to find the cash from. If you are paying for your holiday in interim payments with places like, don’t forget to put that aside each month. So, the best thing you can do now is to set up a weekly or monthly direct debit, depending on when you get paid.


We recommend that the best way to do this is to set up a new, separate savings account for your direct debit. This will help you keep your savings tied up where you can’t touch them – and if you find a savings account with a good interest rate then you can earn more! Sites such as Bankrates are a great way to help you find the best rates.

a young couple kayaking
Step 5) Book What You Can in Advance

Another good tip when saving for your holiday is to try and spread out the costs as much as you can.


If you’re planning to go to waterparks or tours while you’re there for example, then see if you can book your tickets in advance. That’s if you didn’t book through On The Beach who have a dedicated ‘Waterparks’ holiday section – just FYI! If you book early, then you can generally snap up some better deals than you would on the day.


You can even find a whole bunch of discount codes for tickets and events on our website for things such as sightseeing tours, theme parks, and more!

a young boy and man with orange juice
Step 6) Make Sacrifices

We know that sacrificing your weekly takeaway might seem like a bit of a bummer when you’re trying to save for your next holiday wit Agoda, but we promise you, it’ll be worth it!


Making small sacrifices at home is so easy but will make a huge difference to your savings jar.


Ditch your next night on the town for drinks in the house instead. Or if it’s a family holiday you’re saving for, take a look at our article on money-saving tips for moms on a budget that outlines loads of easy swaps that could save you money.

Can you earn some extra cash
Step 7) Can You Earn Some Extra Cash?

You’ve booked your holiday with Agoda and saved money. What’s better than going on holiday? Earning cash while you’re there!


As well as saving up, think about if there’s any way you could make some extra cash before you go away or even when you’re there.


Have a car boot to sell off some of your old holiday clothes that you no longer want. And you could even have a look to see if you could rent your home out whilst you’re away! There are loads of great sites you can advertise on such as Airbnb that are super easy to become a host on.

Don't go crazy on shopping
Step 8) Don’t Go Crazy on Shopping 

We get it, you’ve not been on a holiday for a while so naturally, you want to buy a whole new wardrobe... But don’t! You’ve already saved loads of money by booking your holiday through, but you can still save before you go! 


As tempting as it may feel in the build-up to your holiday, try not to buy things that you don’t need and may never use again. Concentrate on the essential items that you need to buy new such as sunscreen.


Once you’ve got the essentials sorted, shop around for any new clothes or shoes you may want to take. Don’t forget to shop smartly, look out for sales – or check out our swimwear and clothing discount codes that are regularly updated.

Go have fun
Step 9) Go Have FUN!

Ok, so now you’re all set! The most important thing to remember now is to have fun!


If you’ve followed all of the above steps, and booked your holiday with a discount through an online agent such as Secret Escapes, then you should hopefully feel super confident about your trip and won’t have to worry too much about money while you’re there.


You can make budget-friendly choices whilst you’re away and still have a great time. Simply set yourself a spending limit for each day you’re there and spend it the best way you can! (mojitos anyone?!)

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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