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Is Staying In The New Going Out? How to Have the Best Movie Night In

Is Staying In The New Going Out? How to Have the Best Movie Night In
Published on Mar 12, 2022
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Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, none of us really had much choice but to stay at home. With restaurants, bars, pubs, gyms and shops all closed - staying in became the new normal. 

Some of us actually found that staying home was a blessing and were able to find lots of things to do. However, there were many that really struggled with this, particularly those that lived alone or were used to going out every weekend.

As we navigate into a post-pandemic world, we're actually finding that a lot of us are missing those simple joys that came from staying home. Your bank balance would probably thank you for it. And I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say bring back loungewear!

So, if you're thinking of staying home this weekend, check out some of our budget-friendly ways to make staying in the new going out. 


What Are the Benefits of Staying Home?


asks you what you’re going to be doing with your weekend? Why can’t staying at home feel more socially acceptable? 


Some of us enjoy a bit of downtime at the weekend and just relaxing in our own homes, watching television and setting the mood with our favourite scented candles from stores like Candles Direct. Of course, going out can be fun. But like everything in life, it’s all about balance. 

Some of the simple benefits of staying at home could be:

  • Not having to change out of your loungewear 
  • Saving money
  • Not having to deal with crowds of people
  • Spending time and bonding with your pets…. or maybe your family whichever you prefer!


How to Have An Awesome Saturday Night In


There are so many ways that you can enjoy a Saturday night in at home. Whether that’s with your significant other, with friends, with your fur baby, or even by yourself.


A woman selecting something to watch on netflix

Did Someone Say Netflix & Chill?


If after a long week at work the thought of going out on a Saturday night fills you with nothing but dread. And you also don't really feel like having people round. Then why not get your favourite tracksuit out, sit back and relax under your cosy blanket that you picked up at TJ Hughes for a bargain and find a movie on Netflix? There are so many awesome shows available on Netflix, you’re sure to find something that will help you relax (like a nice, light crime drama if you're anything like me).


Have you heard that Netflix now has a feature available called ‘Netflix party’? So if your significant other, or a friend is out of town and you would usually spend your Saturday night with them, you still can virtually!

Simply log into your Netflix account, pick a movie or show to watch and Netflix party will sync the playback across your accounts so you’re all watching the same thing at the same time from your individual accounts. There’s even a text function so you can chat to your friends while you’re both watching the same movie! Isn’t technology great?!


Or, if your significant other is around, then 'Netflix and Chill' could also be a great option at home. But we won't go into that in too much detail...


Get Your Chef Hat On

Do you love to bake? Or do you want to learn to bake? It’s Saturday night and you have the entire kitchen to yourself so why not get your cookbook out or download some recipes, get your chef hat on and get baking!


Whether you’re an expert or a complete novice in the kitchen you’re sure to find something to suit your skills and the bonus is whatever you make it’s all yours so indulge yourself! Why not order a meal kit from Gusto, you’ll have all the ingredients for a fabulous meal.


Or if you’re looking for a more creative date night at home rather than just cooking a typical pasta or steak date dish, why not have an indoor picnic? Set out a picnic blanket and basket with all your favourites in, treat yourself to a nice bottle of wine or your favourite tipple, light some candles and just enjoy being in each other’s company without the distraction of the television, or being rushed in a restaurant. 


If you don’t fancy spending your Saturday night with your significant other (or if you don’t have one) get your friends round and host an international dinner night. Get each of your friends to pick a country and everyone has to bring a dish from that country, think of it kind of like an international tapas night! 


A couple of tasty looking takeaway burgers

Or Order a Yummy Takeaway

Ok, so maybe you tried the above and it didn’t work out for you. Some of us just aren’t that talented in the kitchen, but it’s nothing to be ashamed of, we just have talents elsewhere! 


So now you’re done cleaning your burnt pots and pans you’re probably really hungry. So why not order takeaway as an alternative? If you’re a pizza lover, check out Dominos who regularly have different deals available. 


If you’re on a budget, then the cost of some takeout can seem like a luxury you can’t afford, but we have lots of takeout discount codes available.


Now you can open the window and let that burning smell out while you wait for your takeaway to’s like it never happened!


Be Your Own Bartender

Do you fancy yourself as a bartender or mixologist for the night? 


Another great idea for you and your friends to enjoy at home on a Saturday night could be to host your very own cocktail party! It doesn’t need to be complicated or expensive, it simply means a little bit of planning ahead of time. If your tipple is Gin, don’t forget to check out Craft Gin Club for some extra special treats. 


Get some nibbles and snacks to accompany your cocktails and make sure you have plenty of ice. You can download cocktail recipes or you could just concoct your own! 


There are also a lot of non-alcoholic options available if you just have a little look online prior to your party, so don’t worry if you or one of your friends doesn’t drink alcohol, they can still join in the fun. You can also find some great drinks discount codes on our website, so don’t worry if you’re on a budget.


A group of friends enjoying a board game

Play Games

No matter what your friendship group size is or how old you are - a great thing to do on a Saturday night could be a good old games night!


Playing games with friends is one of the best ways to let loose, have fun and really enjoy each other’s company. But you may be thinking what games can adults actually enjoy at home? You’re probably not likely to be getting Twister out! 


But there are some great games out there that you've probably already heard of. For example, there's Cards Against Humanity which you could order online from a store like Amazon, or if you have an iPhone why not download “Heads Up” - we can guarantee that you will have endless amounts of laughs and fun with either of these. 


Of course, there are tonnes of card games or drinking games too that are always fun if you're fancying a bit more of a party! Or karaoke is always a winner...maybe not so much for the neighbours!


So whatever your plans are this weekend, whether you’re going out on the town or are looking forward to a night at home - there are plenty of options to have a blast whatever your budget is.

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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