Hair Care & Styling 3 min read

Manging Your Mane: How to Save on Haircare

Manging Your Mane: How to Save on Haircare
Published on May 04, 2022
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Looking to upgrade your hair-do on a budget!? Frequent trips to the salon and even buying those high-end shampoos and conditioners can make a dent in our bank balance.

So we've put together the best top tips to help you save money on your haircare routine, without saving on style!

Find a Hairdresser You Love

Finding that stylist that can just get your hair exactly how you like it will save those dreaded hair disasters. If you keep going to different places each time you get your hair done, you’re risking it not going how you want it to and will end up having to pay again to get it fixed.

Don’t worry, we know finding a good hairdresser can be hard! Try asking friends and family for recommendations and always check out a new stylist's social media channels for before and after pictures. 

Another great tip is to find a hairdresser that works with your style of hair often. Need to keep your blonde from going brassy? You'll find some hairstylists specialise in just that – so the chances of it not going as planned and needing fixing are very slim.

Book Your Appointments in Advance

For most of us, we know ourselves how long it will take for those pesky roots to start coming through.


So, plan your own hair appointments out in your diary and book with your hairdresser well in advance. This way, you won’t have to panic book in with someone new if you’ve left it too late and your usual stylist is fully booked! Check out hairdressers like Supercuts who have regular deals and discounts before you book your next appointment. 


It also means you know exactly how long you have left till your next appointment, giving you lots of time to save up and budget for this expense.

Learn How to Style Your Own Hair

There are so many hairstyles out there, and you would be surprised at how many you can learn for yourself!


If you have a wedding or party coming up, instead of booking in at the salon to get it curled, invest in a good pair of curlers at home from a store like Lullabellz, and keep an eye out for discounts! This one purchase will save heaps of money compared to a salon trip for every event!


For more difficult ‘dos, you can find so many online tutorials that will take you through each step to achieve the salon look at home.

Try Hair Treatment Dupes

No matter how well we look after our hair, sometimes we just need a good treatment!


For your next pamper night, instead of purchasing a branded (and expensive!) packet hair mask, try to find a good dupe online.


There are so many great hair treatments and natural alternatives out there from stores like Sally Beauty that won’t break the bank. For example, coconut oil is a wonderful treatment for all hair types and you can even pick this up in your weekly shop!


For damaged hair, you can even find items in your kitchen cupboard that will work a treat. Try mixing avocado, olive oil and honey to make an at-home DIY hair mask.

Don’t Wash Your Hair Every Day

Not only is this great for your bank balance, but it’s even great for your hair!


Saving on the water bills and cleaning products themselves is great, but do you know there are actually benefits to not washing your hair every day?


Washing your hair every day strips your hair of all the wonderful natural oils that it needs to be thick and healthy.


It also makes your colour fade faster and can dull shiny hair, not to mention cause more split ends! You may also find your hair is easier to style when it’s a bit dirty, making your morning routine a little easier too.


To try and save some extra funds, why not look at stores like Hair and Beauty Depot where you can buy 4 litre shampoo and conditioners which will last and last!

...And Don’t Put Heat On Your Hair Every Day

As much as we’d all like our hair to look perfect every day, using heat products is so damaging for your hair.


It causes so much heat damage and causes split ends, which means more trips to those expensive salons. Try heatless curlers and other accessories from stores like Look Fantastic.


Not only are you saving on electricity and products by not heat styling your hair every day but you’re actually doing your hair a favour. In the long run, heat on hair every day causes dry and frizzy hair – which we definitely don’t need!

Look Out for Offers & Deals on Hair Products

We all have our favourite products and we know how much they usually cost.


Next time you’re running low, take the time to shop around first and compare both online and in-store to make sure you’re getting the best deal.


Most online retailers will even offer a first time order or newsletter sign up code, so many sure you take advantage of those across all stores that sell hair products!


If you’ve ran out of both your shampoo and conditioner, keep an eye out for 2 for 1 or buy one get one free offers. We would also suggest signing up to store newsletters so you get alerted when a new offer goes live. Or, of course, you can always check out our hair care discount codes.

Take Advantage of Samples

Next time you’re visiting your local beauty counter, ask for some free samples!


Most brands will already have these on offer and will most likely be happy to provide some if not.


Even when ordering hair care products online at stores like Aveda, look through the basket and check out page to make sure you’re not missing a free sample section before you click through to payment.


Samples save us a small amount here and there but they can also be great to take away with us on holiday, to save from buying full-size bottles abroad or at the airport.

Only Use Good Shampoo & Conditioners

We know it’s tempting to just buy the cheapest shampoos and conditioners available to make a lower cost purchase... however, this does end up costing in the long run!


As much as we are trying to save on hair care, it’s so important that we look after our hair.


If you can get shampoos and conditioners that your hairdresser recommends from a store like Salons Direct online, or that you know work for you, then you can take better care of your hair and hopefully save on those salon trips.


Having well-maintained hair is nicer on the bank balance than having to rescue it from disaster!

Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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